Contract: Hdkhm7bFRR63zbFcLo3d1D6rJRnpe5yjrvMCAuqWdCrs
Liquidity 100% Burned
Total Supply: 949,578,250
Contract: Hdkhm7bFRR63zbFcLo3d1D6rJRnpe5yjrvMCAuqWdCrs
Liquidity 100% Burned
Total Supply: 949,578,250
$uckyP Launch
Contract: Hdkhm7bFRR63zbFcLo3d1D6rJRnpe5yjrvMCAuqWdCrs
Liquidity 100% Burned
Total Supply: 949,578,250

Welcome to the Jungle of Gains

Where the $ucky Panther prowls for prosperity

Enlarged meme
GOTA Contract Address
DexScreener DexScreener DexTools DexTools

How to Buy $uckyP

Step 1: Get SOL

Purchase SOL from an exchange like Coinbase or Binance.

Step 2: Set Up Wallet

Create a Phantom wallet and transfer your SOL to it.

Get Phantom Wallet

Step 3: Swap for GOTA

Use Jupiter Exchange to swap your SOL for GOTA tokens.

Go to Jupiter Exchange

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